Friday, May 20, 2011

dun dun dun.... Dieting...

I have always hated dieting. I hate the whole concept around it. I hate that women feel the need to be skinny to be attractive - because that's what it's usually about. I hate the calorie counting obsession, the deprivation of all things delicious and the way it just seems unnatural...

...and yet, here I am... day three of my attempt to actually "count" my calories.

I don't think of myself as a complainer but anyone who so much as turns in my direction will hear just how much I miss eating what ever I want. Black coffee, bowls of spinach and plates of chopped veggies.... ok, ok, it's not really that bad - coffee is still coffee, I have a delicious raspberry vinaigrette for my spinach and I actually kinda like veggies... and it's not like I'm super strict or anything. Anyone that knows me well knows I'm being "strict" when I order a latte with sugar-free syrup and the dreaded skim milk.

The reality of it is, I want to lose weight. I mean, come on, I've still got baby weight from both my babies! I see moms out there with their 6-month-old babies and they're skinny as can be - totally jealous! I just don't seem to have the time or commitment to exercise on my own consistently and I'm too frugal to pay for classes so the only thing I really can do is pay more attention (like a lot more) to what I eat. Let's just hope I can stick with - being the total foodie that I am it will be tough. But I'm sick of not fitting my clothes and hating the way I look so I'll just have to grin and bear it..... oh, and I promise to try not to whine too much.  :)


  1. Good luck with the dieting! I'm trying to cut back on the chocolate here... haha... so I feel your struggles? Also thinking of exercising... ughhhh. <3


  2. Good luck!!! I was reading this the other day and it made sense to me. Maybe it will make dieting easier:

  3. thanks for your support ladies :) Day four has been easier. We already do a lot of healthy things and hardly ever eat out but I just eat more calories a day than I need. I actually have been feeling full sooner and when I'm hungry I just stick to veggies.
    Agatha, the only thing I'm not doing on that list is drinking more water.... well... just cause I'm lazy... LOL but I will have to try that too!

  4. I hate exercise too. My hubby jogs and bikes every day and that drives me banana's lol. Maybe you should check out my healthy epicure line and you can flavor you yummo health foods. Might make it easier :) I think it will be a little bit before i stop talking about Epicure. So fresh in my life right now lol
