Thursday, May 5, 2011

My bad habit

I have this bad habit.... I judge other parents (not like super harshly or all the time). I like to lurk on "mom boards" reading parenting issues and advice often just to reassure to myself that my choices aren't that bad.

Ok, ok, it's not really that awful a thing. I mean, parenting is a very opinionated so really what mom doesn't occasionally think "wow, those kids are out of control" or "that child is too old for a bottle/pacifier" or something else like that? It's pretty much unavoidable, the key is not to be one of those moms who acts like they think all those things (I've met a few). In my defense I also recognize my bad habit and keep my mouth shut most of time (unless it's a safety issue) and remind myself that they're not my kids, it's not my life and it's none of my business.

This isn't that big of an issue where I live because where I am people are educated and open-minded, we have free medical and there are lots of programs and information for families to help with parenting. But reading mom forums that are global can be a real eye opener. There are places where certain things or facts that I take for granted aren't common place.

But the thing that really gets me about it is that these people have the internet - they're on the forum after all! perhaps it's just me or my generation but - Google it! There are always lots of opinions, reviews, professional answers out there to compare and think about. Ok, I'll admit I'm a little bit of an information whore, I get on a subject and I can spend hours digging through Google reading pros and cons and different suggestions, statistics and opinions. I know some people aren't as into that as I am - in fact some of the moms on the forum don't even read the posts above theirs let alone check online.

Anyway, this habit might be "bad" but the forums really are a good thing - there is lots of support out there if there isn't in your community and there are stories and advice that I've found very useful.

On a totally unrelated note: Bowynn had bananas for the first time last night! She ate an entire half a mashed banana. She loved it so much she cried when I took the spoon away to refill it! On a not so positive note: She had banana poo this morning, lol!

Kaeda has a new found fascination with gardening. I am trying to encourage her to weed our garden (as I absolutely HATE weeding and kinda suck at gardening in general). She is doing ok, but likes to pick more than just weeds... (naturally).


  1. Is there a main page for looking for other peoples blogs...I feel so stupid asking you so many questions about blogging. I want to start reading blogs but computers make me lost

  2. I think all mom's judge other mom's at least sometimes. I also judge myself; silently noting the things that I never did with my first that I'm doing with my second or even things I swore I'd never do. I think its just part of the reality that comes with parenthood.
    amber :)
