Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Surprise, Cavalia!

So for mother's day this year I went to visit my mom (pretty much a monthly thing) and my little brother surprised us with tickets to the circus/horse show Cavalia!! He baby sat the two girls so mom and I could go and even got us the Horse Lover passes that allowed us to go meet the horses after the show! Everyone has been saying how magical, epic and amazing this show is - and they're totally right! If you have a chance to see it - GO! It's a bit like cirque-du-soleil meets horses and it's just beautiful... The horses are less like trained animals and more like dancers themselves.

Look how close we were! 

Some of the horses we met after the show. There were a bunch we weren't even allowed to talk to because they were voice trained! (and I promise the one on the bottom is just sleeping!)


The girls had a great visit with their grandparents and uncle - just like they always do. Soon enough I'll be sending Kaeda over by herself she loves visiting so much! Some times I think it's scary how alike I am to my mother... I certainly hear her words coming out of my mouth! I'm looking forward to the trips we have planned for the girls this summer - Seattle Zoo and Kelowna!

Bowynn being all snuggled up - thanks to Kaeda!

my cutie pie! tears still fresh on her adorable face!

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