Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sleep issues and diet rambling

Well Bowynn is 6 months old now. She is a generally happy baby (particularly if you're taking her out some where). She tried her first baby mum-mum crackers a couple days ago and loves them. She ate six with no trouble on her first day. Yesterday she had 2 bowls of cereal and mashed banana and one of store bought banana - it's the most solid food she's eaten without complaining. Speaking of complaining! Her new thing is to make these high pitched little whining noises when she wants to talk to you (or herself). Totally adorable. She's also wiggling and rolling around pretty good, trying to get up on her hands and knees. 

Unfortunately she has also stopped sleeping well (much to my despair!). She has starting grousing and whining at bed or nap time and is resisting going down in her crib. She wants to be nursed to sleep. I feel a bit like a first time parent dealing with this because it is so different from how Kaeda was. I didn't really have sleep problems from her until I weaned her at 18 months. 

So what do I do?!?!?!

There are several things to consider (bear with my thinking out loud). She just turned 6 months which is a pretty big growth spurt time for babies. She's more aware than she's being left in a crib. I have accidentally  been co-sleeping some times with her when I come in to night-nurse. Annnnnd the one I'm most worried about; me not getting enough calories can cause a drop in my milk production - she could be hungry!! 

I had calculated to include calories for breastfeeding in my diet but maybe it's not enough? I'm not really sure how to tell if I'm producing enough milk... although she did eat a LOT of food last night and didn't sleep any better really.  I guess it's just something I'll have to keep an eye on.

More about dieting:

Things have been going pretty good here in those terms. Who knew black coffee wasn't that bad and skim lattes not the end of the world? I haven't cut out so much of my favorites as I have substituted certain ingredients for lower-fat options and and cut back my portions.

Still eating lots of spinach and veggies.

I was limiting myself to about 2000 calories a day but something I read on Peaceful Parenting said I should be having 2500-2700 as a nursing mother. I'm not too sure about this as I feel fine and full and, well... like I'm eating the right amount.

I think the funniest thing about it is that I feel a little like a traitor to myself - I've always been SOOO anti-calorie-counting that it's kinda hilarious that I'm doing it now. I'm certainly hearing about it enough from some people (you know who you are!). And just to be clear that doesn't bother me but it does surprise me how many people say "why don't you just run around the block?". Besides the whole mess of trying to get kids in a stroller for a run, weather, time and such - I ran for just over a month every other day and saw no changes to myself beyond energy and fitness (which are great but I want waist results too!!).

SO, continuing on the fitness rant. B, the kids and I hiked up Mt. Doug yesterday. It was surprisingly easy and of course, very beautiful. I hope we can continue to do that regularly as I don't think I could ever get tired if the forest.


  1. Hi Karen - your kids are super adorable and I love the pictures. I'm sure your little ones sleep habits will start to settle soon, even just the newness of food could potentially be affecting her sleep! Amber :)

  2. mount doug...brings back wonderful memories

    btw did you know that i did calorie counting a couple years ago? we'll talk more tomorrow at tea time :)


  3. I have a book called solve your childs sleeping problem and my sister swears by it. If you wanna borrow it let me know. I never really read it, I pretended to haha so I cant say if it works or not. Did you notice that here sleeping issues started after here shots?

  4. ok another thing. Do you know what Geocaching is? I will explain it to you later if not and we should really get together cause my family is big on outdoors and path walking. i am the slow lazy one in the family, but I go. hahaha
    The run around the block thing ah yeah like it is really that easy, hate when people say why dont you go for a run ahhhhhhhh bite me or watch my kids while I go for a run. :)
