Monday, March 28, 2011

Geeking out

If someone asked me what I did today the answer would probably be "not much". The real answer would be "play Civilizations 5 on the local network" translation: geek out. We had the guys over and of course our geeky grandpa Bob so it was a regular lan party. Civ 5 is great because it's turn based and you can pause at any time to deal with kiddos. 

PC gaming is one of those things I do a fair amount of... but never really bring up as an interest in mom-groups or.. well, adult groups... ha! Gaming is something geeky and associated more with adolescents I guess - even though that's not the case. We used to play World of Warcraft back when we had time, lots of time - uninterrupted time. Lately we've been playing Starcraft 2. I've always found it really enjoyable being able to play together as a couple. Working together towards the same goal just like real life except the rewards are faster to come and the consequences set you back some mere minutes or imaginary gold. 

Of course, gaming can be rather addictive, so we're careful to keep our priorities straight and set a good example. Which can be really hard in this modern, technological age. How much is too much? I didn't have a cell phone until I could pay for it - but now even toddlers have their own phones (or think they do when they take your iPhone and play games on it). What will my daughters have to deal with when they reach high school? 

Thats a loaded question and a lot to think about. But this much I do know: 
They won't have their own cell phones until they can pay for them. 
They won't have Facebook until they're the appropriate age.
They won't have their own computers in their rooms until they graduate.  

Now I just wonder if I really know all those things or if when the time comes things will be different.... 


  1. Thats why i loved World of Warcraft it was something Me and Hubby did together and we both enjoyed it. I miss playing but yeah it takes to much time and it is very addicting.

  2. If we had the extra money we'd probably still play - or at least have active accounts so we *could* play. Even when we did play, I used to cancel during the summer months cause we just never used it. I wish they had an option to pay by time used instead of just monthly... would be way better for people like us.

    B says you guys should play starcraft. lol
