Monday, March 21, 2011


Ever since high school I've kept an online journal (Blogger then eventually Live Journal) and before that a diary. Recently, I have been thinking about starting up a new one... so I can chronicle my life with the girls. It's amazing how much you can forget when you don't write it down. I go through my old hand-written journals and cringe at my teenage self - glad I've forgotten a lot of that stage! Still, it would be nice to remember some things - like when Kaeda rolled over so I can compare it to Bowynn. 

Wait, I should back up a step. Start fresh with a little about me, us, our life. I'm 25. I have two beautiful girls, one man creature (I call him B) and an odd-eyed, odd personality of a cat - Taika. I'm a stay at home mom, still trying to figure out my path and he works in trades. 

Kaeda was born January 3rd 2008. She wasn't planned and though I'm pro-choice and seriously considered my options - I found I wanted this baby. B was supportive and  I've got to admit I'm a little surprised things turned out so well. Having a child changes everything. We started in our little one-bedroom then lived with my parents (everyone says it's a bad idea to do this when you start a family - they're right). B was working long hours and out of town a lot. 

I grew up in Richmond, Steveston - the fishing village. My roots are deep there. My friends are there, my family is there. A lot of me is there. 

We moved to Victoria because we could afford a much nicer place, a proper place to raise our family. Half of B's family is here. I do love it here. I love that we are a short drive to anywhere. I love that there are so many trees and beaches and mellow moments.

We got engaged after a particularly bad weekend when both him and his sister got in two separate car accidents. Big ones. It made us both realize we really wanted to be with each other. I've always told him I don't want to get engaged just because we have a kid - I've seen too many marriages go down because of that. It was nice to see we were both on the same page (I was saving up to get his ring and propose to him when he beat me to it). 

When is the wedding date? Some time in the future... okay, well hopefully in the next 2-3 years (3 being max).  We had both agreed early on that we wanted two kids and that the age gap wouldn't be more than 3 years. It was either get pregnant or get married (I want to look slim and fit in my wedding photos - not sleep-deprived and holding onto baby weight). So that is on hold. 
November 22nd 2010 our second daughter was born at home, all natural water-birth. We welcomed little Bowynn to the world, and our family suddenly felt complete. 

Fast forward to now, Bowynn is a happy, deliciously chubby little girl and Kaeda is a clever, imaginative 3 year old with a lot of attitude and stubbornness. B is on parental leave, so our days are pleasantly blending together as we deal with the usual diapers, tantrums, grocery runs and home improvements.

I couldn't be happier with my little corner of the world :) 

I can't wait til summer!

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