Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ah, to be back home...

Well, I obviously didn't get to post while I was visiting my folks. Way too much effort to use their old machine and get my photos onto it.... (which really translates to: I'm lazy). But really now, Kaeda can be so exhausting! Don't get me wrong, I love how clever and chatty she is. I'm totally enjoying being able to have conversations with her and hearing the world from a 3 year old's POV (it's pretty hilarious!). BUT OMG THE MIND BATTLES! I feel like I have the verbal runs. "Kaeda gentle. That's nice, what a good big sister. Gentle. Do you like to be pinched? Then don't pinch her. Kaeda, are you listening? What did I just say. No, you can't watch tv, you just finished your show. No. No. No. I said No. I don't care what you said, I said No and I make the rules. Why don't you play with your toys? Or draw? Do you have to go pee? Kaeda what's wrong? Are you sure you don't have to go pee? Maybe we should go try. Do you want to go try?" And of course it's so much worse when we go out. Worse as in even more exhausting. 

Today she also had an accident when we were out. Which is... so weird. I mean she's been great, I don't even really have to ask her if she needs to go - she tells me. Then today on the ferry, I was nursing Bowynn and suddenly she pees. *BIG SIGH* thankfully we were some where private where I could clean it up and she had a change of clothes... not so thankfully I did not have a change of clothes. 

Kaeda loves her music. Is it possible to have a musical child with two parents who are completely tone deaf or musically challenged (as I like to call it when you can't sing, play or 'get' music)?

While Auntie Cait was visiting we discovered that Bowynn is a total ham. She would start to fuss and cry and if you pointed a camera at her she shut up and tracked it. She flails her arms adorably at you and makes all kinds of silly faces.

I attempted to go out and party on Saturday. I feel so old. Clubbing is just not my thing anymore and I guess it kinda surprised me. Anyway, the point I'm getting at is that I gave Bowynn formula for part of the night cause I'd had a few drinks (she took to the bottle no problem!). So the next morning Kaeda really wanted to give Bowynn a bottle and we thought, why not? Photo op!!! Mom and I went crazy with the cameras.

Bo really loved watching the grass fly by as she sat in the swing. I'm going to have to get B to put one up in our yard.


  1. Kaeda is soooo big now! Bo is so cuuuute. Awww... I miss you guys!

  2. :D Also, Kaeda was a ham too when she was a baby! You have hammy babies. Teehee. <3
