Friday, April 1, 2011

Woes of the pee-bed & a bit of geekiness

Yesterday I did three loads of laundry - and it didn't even feel like a crazy laundry day!! I guess that's just what happens when your partner gets dirty just as fast (or faster) than your 3 year old and your baby uses cloth diapers. I also washed Kaeda's bedding because she had another accident... *sigh* We use Kushies training pants at night and they've been really absorbent but still not diapers - a good medium for nighttime. Lately, though she has been leaking through.

So this morning the washing machine is going again... it's frustrating because she'll be dry for weeks and I'll start thinking she can just have regular panties at night and then suddenly she wets her bed for a couple nights in a row. She went before bed, has a potty in her room and didn't even drink any of her water last night... some nights when that's all backwards she stays dry! I should probably just count my blessings, after all the struggles of getting her out of diapers and into panties in the day time was waaaaaaay more frustrating.

I still hate washing the bed linens.

Now to bring out my geeky side. Through our good buddy Karl I became aware that EA had released a new Sims game! Now, I've played the sims games since... forever it seems; Sim City, Sim Ant, The Sims - 1, 2 and 3. So, naturally I had to check it out. The newest one is sort of a branch off of Sims3, it's called The Sims Medieval. Part castle building, part quests and all controlling the lives of your towns people! Anyway Karl is supposed to bring it over today and I'm super excited! It's a perfect day for it too, miserable and rainy. I'm definitely thinking of my parents in Australia with envy today.

Well, nothing left to do but drink coffee, play with the kiddos and wait...

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