Sunday, April 3, 2011


Today was just one of those days... thank god for my mommy playdate or I would have totally lost it. It just feels like I got up on the wrong side of the bed. My thoughts are scattered and full of little worries.

My dog passed away today. Sal wasn't really my dog in the sense that she didn't live with me. In fact she was only really my dog for a few days, thirteen years ago when I found a stray dog on the beach near the house we had rented in Australia. She followed me everywhere - she even seemed to listen when I talked to her, cocking her head to one side thoughtfully. I bawled like a baby when we pulled away from the driveway one last time - there was Sal staring after us looking so lost, inching forward like she might just run after the car. I begged my parents to let me keep her - even though she'd have to be in quarantine for months and then would need a plane ticket to Canada. In the end, the goodness and generosity of my uncle and aunt saved her. They drove all the way up the coast and retrieved her from the pound (where the rotten neighbours had sent her). She was a troublesome dog! Sneaking off to the local school, constantly going "walk-about" and always needing to be checked out for ticks. Sal lived a long, happy life surrounded by a family and passed away at home in her sleep. It's the best end a stray dog could wish for and though I am happy for the life she lived, her passing shocked me more than I expected when I heard.

Add that news to a very fussy, teething baby, some gloomy weather and being stir-crazy... well, I'm definitely looking forward to bedtime so I can do non-kid-related things without interruption.

On the plus side (cause there always is one) I feel like I've finally met a local mom with similar interests and the same level of crazy as me! Hurrah! (I type with screaming in the background... oh, bed time come faster...)

1 comment:

  1. Hope your not calling me crazy lol :) I am thinking you are talking about me, and the feelings are mutual. Yahoo a friend hehe. Sorry to hear about your dog as well, she sounds like she was loved dearly and lived a long happy life with you and you family. She was blessed to have met you.
