Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bed-wetting free future?

Well so much for my post-every-day attitude. Although I admit that gets pretty boring when you're a stay-at-home-mom and the days start to blend together. There's only so much poo and pee and drooly baby stories to talk about. 

Speaking of poo and pee - I took Kaeda out of her "night time panties" which are Kushies Training Pants. I didn't really mean to but she made a mess in her last pair right before bed. Anyway, I made a sticker chart and told her that she was wearing her big girl panties but that her whole bed would be wet if she peed at night now - just call mommy or daddy if she needed to go pee. Well it's only been two nights but both have been dry after a week of wet panties. Last night she got me up and actually went poo without all the bribing and begging... I was half-asleep and only noticed when I looked this morning. *crosses fingers* Please let this be a sign she's done fighting potty time and wetting the bed!

Yesterday, after preschool and the library, my little miss fell asleep at the table playing on Karl's iPhone.

Bowynn handled her shots well. She screamed bloody murder (the baby clinic was like a baby torture place with all the infant cries) but had no ill effects. She wouldn't nurse there though, that's what Kaeda always did after her shots to feel better. Bowynn has definitely decided that unless I'm going to lay down with her she's going to complain through the whole feed. 

I looked up Kaeda's old 'baby passport' and found that at 6 months she was 15.10 lbs. Bowynn at 4.5 months is 16 lbs. My little chubby monster!! :)

Here she is beating up on dad (and drooling on his face).

We have been using Green Line Diapers on Bowynn during the day for the past little while. They're awesome cloth diapers that are soooo cute. I really want to do a post that is all a review of them, I'm just waiting for the newest ones I ordered to arrive in the mail so I can do another little photo shoot of Bowynn in them. I'm so much happier not having to buy disposables anymore - such a waste of money, space and the environment. 

I keep trying to capture Bowynn's chatting on camera but every time I whip out my iPhone or camera she stops. I just made an attempt and she just smiled at me until I put down the iPhone then she started up again!  .... She's so cute. 

I'm going to visit my parents on the mainland tomorrow so we'll see how often I can manage to post!

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