Sunday, April 24, 2011

Tummy Time

So Bowynn is now 5 months old. And for the last couple nights she's been sleeping on her tummy. 

Now I know that once they are able to roll themselves over it shouldn't be a problem.... however... it's still driving me crazy! Now I wake up more just to go and check on her! I feel so paranoid about SIDS - which is ridiculous because of so many factors  - she's healthy, breastfed, put to sleep on her back, not exposed to smoke, no objects or bumper pads in her crib, passed the peak age for it - the list goes on. On top of that B and I are really healthy people (with the exception of his diabetes which is not conclusively genetic) and so our kids seem to be too. If I try to encourage her to sleep on her back she wakes up way more than usual. Every 2 hours actually. 

I never went through this with Kaeda because of two things: she co-slept in our bed and she hated being on her tummy at any time. It makes me feel like a first time parent because in a way I am - a first time parent doing it the "normal" way with my little one in her own room.

Not to go off on a tangent (but I totally am) I stumbled upon this blog (Peaceful Parenting) that has a lot of really interesting articles. It's a little strongly opinionated at points but the overall is pretty much in line with my parenting beliefs. It's actually making me feel a little guilty about not co-sleeping much with Bowynn. I have to remind myself that she sleeps better when we're not in the same room.

But back to the problem at hand, I guess one good thing about it is that sleeping on her tummy makes it hard for her to use her soother - so maybe she'll self ween?

I suppose the better she gets at sleeping like that the more comfortable I'll be. 


  1. Faith was a tummy sleeper from birth. I was so scared to but I kept telling myself that it used to be fine to sleep on your tummy then it wasn't, then it was, then it wasn't. I really try not to read to much about stuff because I find that things have change so much in just the 3 years between my two kids so it is hard to know what is write and wrong. Hope this helps ease your worry.

  2. I keep telling myself that! Even when Bo was a baby she would sometimes fall asleep on her tummy and I would just roll her over after. Logic isn't working super great, but I find that with each night it gets easier for both of us - she gets used to sleeping on her tummy and rolling around and I have another tummy-night with no issues.

    It does help to stay away from SIDS info and stuff like that though... that definitely makes worrying worse.
