Friday, April 29, 2011

Today was one awful day.

Kaeda pushed every boundary. She wouldn't come, didn't listen, poked her sister, threw her toys, made a mess, wouldn't stay in time out, wouldn't stay in her room, didn't want to go potty, demanded sugar, wanted to watch tv all day and alternatively wanted to be held by me or pinch me.

Now this isn't totally unheard of or anything. However, today I felt like dying. My head has been killing me all day. My wrist is twisted or sprained or something... and I am just full of aches and pains and general unhealthiness.

Now these two things are bad, but put them together and I felt like every second thing I did or said I instantly regretted. My patience was next to nil. I really hate it when I feel this awful and Kaeda gets it worse because of that. Perhaps she was feeling bad too and so we were both irritable.

On the plus side Bowynn's evening fussiness was curbed by a wet cloth thrown into the freezer until it was solid. A momentary break from the craziness that allowed enough time to whip up a turkey casserole - which I have to admit, I'm pretty proud of myself for doing in my state. Once B got home things mellowed a little. I am so thankful I have such a caring, loving and considerate partner!

In fact - he's made me a hot bath with candles, bath salts and tea! So this momma is logging off!


  1. I hope today was better. Good Job there B, wanna send some of that caring/romance to Roy...Does that sound right????? Dont send it to him, just teach him how to I guess LOL
