Thursday, December 1, 2011

Procrastination, distraction and Ammonia

The last thing I should be doing is blogging.

Clearly, I don't have my priorities straight.

Things have just become crazy around here. I've never been one of those super energetic people that moves like a hummingbird. Sure, I've had moments like that; frenzied cleaning, rabid writing sessions or days full of endless little tasks that all manage to get done. I also

Well, I started this post two days ago. See that sentence fragment up there? That's when the phone rang, it was the preschool calling, they said "is anyone coming to pick up Kaeda today?" Whoops. I was thinking the start time for her afternoon class was the end time for her morning class... Kaeda helped the teacher decorate the classroom while I got ready, snatched the baby from her crib and hauled butt down to the community center.

"Mommy, I was so worried about you!" She said, little hands on little hips.

I must have said, "I'm sorry" to the teacher a million times.

It's taking some getting used to, B working, the lack of sleep, the increase in school work load... and my attempt to keep the kids happy and entertained.

On a side note.... B was in the thick of this yesterday: Ammonia Leak in Langford

I received a text from him yesterday morning while in class, "Do not listen to the new. I am okay. There was an accident at work but no one was hurt." Well, considering I hadn't heard the news this was a little alarming. I read some articles online and texted him a couple times to get the gist of it. Having the inside story definitely gives you a different perspective of the news... that's all I'll say on that.

Anyway, I really, really, should do some essay writing... blah.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Trying to keep up with life

Well, my baby girl is going to be one year old on the 22nd. I can hardly believe it. Where does the time go? We're having a small party for her tomorrow. I'm excited because Thrifty Foods will make a free cake for your baby's 1st birthday! (lame thing to be excited about, I know, but hey, to the frugal it's great!).

The dynamics of our house hold are going to change again. B got a new job! It's been a blessing and a curse having him home for so long. It's great that he got to participate in Kaeda's life more and spent some quality time with Bo in her infancy but it's been hard on him. He's just not cut out for stay-at-home parent - at least, not unless we were millionaire who could do whatever we wanted and didn't have to worry about bills.

So, this is a good thing.

It's still going to be a big change. The girls will have to adjust... and I will have to. I'm nervous about being home solo again - especially because I'm going to be in school full-time too. My mother-in-law (whom I love!) will be doing some baby sitting... but it's just not the same as having a constant partner for parenting. Plus, this means no more sleep in days, it means meals with no dad some nights, it means bed time by myself and an lonely bed for me when he's out of town.

Ah, well, I just tell myself the same thing I've been telling him when ever bills, life or whatever was getting him down: We'll get through it. Because we have to; things will get better, we have a plan, we're moving forward, we have each other and our health and our loving families. It could definitely be a lot worse.

I just wish I didn't have to say that as often as I do.

Ah, rambling... it feels good.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The usual blathering mess

Gosh, I really should post something.

Since starting school, it's always in the back of my mind. I need to do this, this, this and this.... when I have time.

I never have time. Now, I know where the expression "I wish there were more than 24 hours in a day" comes from.

B does what he can to help out, take care of the kids... he does what I ask too. I just have a hard time asking for help. I had an old friend say to me (when I mentioned this) "Didn't you always have a hard time asking for help?" I hadn't really thought that was it until he pointed it out. So, alas, I end up getting up all night with the baby, making breakfast and coffee in the morning, taking the kids to preschool, doing laundry and cleaning, doing nap time and then dinner and often shopping chores and the like too.... then, once I'm worn out and tired, I put the kids to bed and settle down to do homework (which up to this point I've been doing in 5 minute increments). There are days when... well that's literally my day. But there are also other ones where B lets me sleep in, brings me coffee and does a ton of stuff... I'm just saying that it's not like he leaves me to do it all (most of the time) but I have a hard time just..... letting him do it all.

When did I become a perfectionist? When did I become so obsessive compulsive? I re-write and edit my work neurotically.

Did I mention that my 10 month old loves apples???

Totally random I know, but as I type this I'm watching her consume her sister's cast off apple.... she goes nuts for the things... follows Kaeda around like a puppy and then just mows into it. Are they even supposed to eat apples at 10 months? I keep a close eye on her... but it seems so unfair to deny her the joy...

Anyway, my quiet period has ended. Also, I should be doing home work not blogging... LOL

Saturday, August 20, 2011

It's Spadobo night again!

My one time creation (made thanks to a suggestion from the "boys") has become a hit. Now when ever I make spaghetti (another favorite) it has to be followed by chicken adobo the following night which makes the third night - SPADOBO NIGHT!

What is spadobo you ask?

It's exactly what you think. 
Spaghetti + Adobo = Spadobo

Here is my almost recipe (almost cause I don't measure anything):

2 cans of tomato sauce
1 package of ground beef
1 med-large onion
1 cup of red wine
1/2 a beef bouillon cube + 1/2 or 1/4 cup water

spices: pepper, salt, oregano, basil, garlic,
Veggies (whatever I have): broccoli, zucchini, carrots, peppers, cauliflower 
Spinach chopped up and added near the end

Once it's all in there simmer and reduce until the sauce isn't watery any more. 
Serve with noodles and parmesan cheese :) 

Chicken Adobo:
skinless boneless chicken breasts and thighs (however much you want)
1 large onion
LOTS of garlic (I use the pre-chopped in fridge kind & fresh - no powder)
Equal amounts ginger (fresh or fridge kind)
lots of soy sauce, maybe a cup? (I do like mine VERY strong)
Equal parts water

Brown chicken in pot with onions, add spice and sauce until the chicken is almost covered in liquid. Turn it down and let it simmer with the lid on until the meat is falling apart (45 min to 1 hour). This can also be done in a slow cooker.
Just before it's served I mix some corn starch and water in a cup and slowly add my desired amount to thicken the juice.
Serve over rice.

preheat oven to 350
line the bottom of a pyrex baking dish with left over rice and spaghetti
mix spagetti sauce and adobo chicken and pour over top
cover top of dish with grated cheese and bread crumbs
bake for 30ish minutes

enjoy ridiculously greasy man-food

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Good Changes.. I think

I just had one of those moments when I suddenly felt over-whelmed. It's not really a surprise, just something that's been building. I have so much on the go in my mind I just feel frazzled. It's funny that summer, with it's energizing brightness, can be so motivating... and yet I've some what over-filled my plate.

I've been trying to meet more moms (always the goal I suppose) which has been pretty successful. Also, getting Kaeda into preschool and sorting all the baby stuff to go in the big Victoria consignment sale (I REALLY need to get on that). And now... we've decided that it's time for me to go back to school.... that's probably the biggest thing. I've spent hours reading post-secondary institution sites, trying to understand all their courses and rules and applications. I've been on the phone and in person and it's still confusing as hell. Every time it becomes a little clear I can't seem to find my way back there again.

All this will blow over in September. Kaeda will start preschool, the sale will be over and school will either be started or not... and if it has started? More to worry about... I'm not exactly a high energy, self-motivated person all the time... is it going to be too much stress? Full time school and the kids? and... a wedding? Jeez, I keep putting it off but we're supposed to be planning  a wedding for next summer! I just can't seem to wrap my mind around it!! I don't know how I'm going to be away from my baby so long...

I guess it will just have to be.. one day at a time for now...

Monday, August 15, 2011

Baby Naps

Today Bowynn only had one nap.

This is both good and bad.

Today she went down really easily and slept for 3 hours! She also went down easily at bed time. So that's about 630-7am to 7pm with a three hour nap... the last couple days it's been taking an hour to get her to take her morning and afternoon naps and they haven't been as long. Bed time has also been a pain.

Buuut... she's not even 9 months yet!!!! Can she really be done with two naps a day?? I wish I could remember when it changed for Kaeda. What I've read online indicates an average of 12-18 months. However, Kaeda stopped napping altogether at 18 months. Grand-mere says none of her three napped after 12 months... I can only imagine what it must be like to have a 3 year old who still takes long naps...

I guess we'll see what tomorrow brings and if this one-nap-a-day is permanent or not!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Importance of Mom Friends

It's been 3.5 years since I had my daughter... and I officially have 2 mom friends. Three if you could the one that lives in another province that I've never met... If there's one thing I stress to new moms it's: put yourself out there and make and effort to make mom friends!!!! No one will understand you quite the same as another mom. And it does get lonely. I wish I could have gone back and told myself that before. 

Today I went and met two more moms in my area. It's such a funny feeling - like dating - trying to find moms the same age, with kids the same age, who are compatible with you. My stomach was all funny and nervous. It's so silly but I guess that's what happens when you get into the routine of being a stay-at-home-mom. 

We met at Crumsby's Cupcake Cafe. I had no idea the place existed before... but it was awesome! A whole wall dedicated to toys to amuse the kiddies, kids menu, amazing coffee and a tempting menu I'll have to try out. It was a lot of fun and kids had a great time. It was lovely chatting with moms who had babies and older kids and then walking down to willow beach. I think it would be great if we could make a mommy group out of it. 

Perhaps its because I'm more comfortable in my position as "mom" or perhaps these moms just had more in common with me - but I've definitely had more of a connection with the moms I've met in Victoria than the ones I met in Richmond. It's funny how people complain about Facebook and all the terrible invasion of privacy/addiction/alienation that goes on with it - when thanks to it and the Young & New Moms group - I've made friends :)

Monday, August 8, 2011

It was so hot out yesterday! Bo loves water and had a great time splashing in this tub. I was sitting on the blanket under the umbrella (where the heat still penetrated) eating cherries (mmm!). 

Behind Bo is where our hot tub is - in this heat we haven't been turning it on and it's still a couple degrees above body temperature - it makes a PERFECT pool! So that's where Kaeda was most of the afternoon.

While I was out with the girls B was downstairs washing the carpets and getting the house ready for our new roomie (who's already living with us). If he wasn't doing that he'd be off on some other house-improving, life-improving, mechanical or creative project. It's great that he's so motivated but can get kind of annoying that he's here without being here. Some how I manage to do all my projects (well mostly) with the kids in tow or on hip (in Bo's case while she's teething). It frustrates me that he has a hard time being up at 6am with the kids or carrying the baby while doing something (even making toast!). I see that a lot of moms complain about this sort of thing... so I guess it's pretty common and male... but it still gets to me some times. 

With all the stress of money and work right now it's easier to find frustration in the small things that come up. B commented the other day how great is was to be a kid - no worries but the afternoon. Hopefully as things get more stable for us these day-to-day struggles will be less of a weight.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Back to Blogging

Well it's been a while since my last post - and to think I started out trying to write every day! But that's the thing about summer; it's nice out so you're outside, there's vacations and events and outings! I've been keeping pretty busy - correction: the girls have been keeping ME busy! 

Kaeda is too smart for her own good. She has a stubborn streak she comes by naturally which can be so, SO, SO frustrating some times. Bowynn is 8 months old now. She is crawling every where, pulling herself up and even standing on her own for a minute. Kaeda walked at 9 months - I don't think Bo will be too far behind.

Besides summer and all it's projects (OMG Consignment sale prep!!) the other major issue I've been having has been with Gmail. For some reason they changed things and my account needed to be switched to a Gmail address instead of an address HOSTED by Gmail. BUT - they would not accept my current Gmail address and in order to create a new one they wanted my phone number to text me verification. Well, I didn't want to give them that information... so I  held out for a while but I finally gave in. It's been pretty frustrating anyway.

Kaeda at our friend's wedding. She is still into tom-boyish things but now insists in doing it all in a dress (no shorts/leggings or jacket). 

We call Bo the "bottomless pit" because she will just eat and eat and eat and eat. She is trying all kinds of food happily, is taking her sippy fine and has her bottom two teeth (they came in at 7 months). 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sleep issues and diet rambling

Well Bowynn is 6 months old now. She is a generally happy baby (particularly if you're taking her out some where). She tried her first baby mum-mum crackers a couple days ago and loves them. She ate six with no trouble on her first day. Yesterday she had 2 bowls of cereal and mashed banana and one of store bought banana - it's the most solid food she's eaten without complaining. Speaking of complaining! Her new thing is to make these high pitched little whining noises when she wants to talk to you (or herself). Totally adorable. She's also wiggling and rolling around pretty good, trying to get up on her hands and knees. 

Unfortunately she has also stopped sleeping well (much to my despair!). She has starting grousing and whining at bed or nap time and is resisting going down in her crib. She wants to be nursed to sleep. I feel a bit like a first time parent dealing with this because it is so different from how Kaeda was. I didn't really have sleep problems from her until I weaned her at 18 months. 

So what do I do?!?!?!

There are several things to consider (bear with my thinking out loud). She just turned 6 months which is a pretty big growth spurt time for babies. She's more aware than she's being left in a crib. I have accidentally  been co-sleeping some times with her when I come in to night-nurse. Annnnnd the one I'm most worried about; me not getting enough calories can cause a drop in my milk production - she could be hungry!! 

I had calculated to include calories for breastfeeding in my diet but maybe it's not enough? I'm not really sure how to tell if I'm producing enough milk... although she did eat a LOT of food last night and didn't sleep any better really.  I guess it's just something I'll have to keep an eye on.

More about dieting:

Things have been going pretty good here in those terms. Who knew black coffee wasn't that bad and skim lattes not the end of the world? I haven't cut out so much of my favorites as I have substituted certain ingredients for lower-fat options and and cut back my portions.

Still eating lots of spinach and veggies.

I was limiting myself to about 2000 calories a day but something I read on Peaceful Parenting said I should be having 2500-2700 as a nursing mother. I'm not too sure about this as I feel fine and full and, well... like I'm eating the right amount.

I think the funniest thing about it is that I feel a little like a traitor to myself - I've always been SOOO anti-calorie-counting that it's kinda hilarious that I'm doing it now. I'm certainly hearing about it enough from some people (you know who you are!). And just to be clear that doesn't bother me but it does surprise me how many people say "why don't you just run around the block?". Besides the whole mess of trying to get kids in a stroller for a run, weather, time and such - I ran for just over a month every other day and saw no changes to myself beyond energy and fitness (which are great but I want waist results too!!).

SO, continuing on the fitness rant. B, the kids and I hiked up Mt. Doug yesterday. It was surprisingly easy and of course, very beautiful. I hope we can continue to do that regularly as I don't think I could ever get tired if the forest.

Friday, May 20, 2011

dun dun dun.... Dieting...

I have always hated dieting. I hate the whole concept around it. I hate that women feel the need to be skinny to be attractive - because that's what it's usually about. I hate the calorie counting obsession, the deprivation of all things delicious and the way it just seems unnatural...

...and yet, here I am... day three of my attempt to actually "count" my calories.

I don't think of myself as a complainer but anyone who so much as turns in my direction will hear just how much I miss eating what ever I want. Black coffee, bowls of spinach and plates of chopped veggies.... ok, ok, it's not really that bad - coffee is still coffee, I have a delicious raspberry vinaigrette for my spinach and I actually kinda like veggies... and it's not like I'm super strict or anything. Anyone that knows me well knows I'm being "strict" when I order a latte with sugar-free syrup and the dreaded skim milk.

The reality of it is, I want to lose weight. I mean, come on, I've still got baby weight from both my babies! I see moms out there with their 6-month-old babies and they're skinny as can be - totally jealous! I just don't seem to have the time or commitment to exercise on my own consistently and I'm too frugal to pay for classes so the only thing I really can do is pay more attention (like a lot more) to what I eat. Let's just hope I can stick with - being the total foodie that I am it will be tough. But I'm sick of not fitting my clothes and hating the way I look so I'll just have to grin and bear it..... oh, and I promise to try not to whine too much.  :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Surprise, Cavalia!

So for mother's day this year I went to visit my mom (pretty much a monthly thing) and my little brother surprised us with tickets to the circus/horse show Cavalia!! He baby sat the two girls so mom and I could go and even got us the Horse Lover passes that allowed us to go meet the horses after the show! Everyone has been saying how magical, epic and amazing this show is - and they're totally right! If you have a chance to see it - GO! It's a bit like cirque-du-soleil meets horses and it's just beautiful... The horses are less like trained animals and more like dancers themselves.

Look how close we were! 

Some of the horses we met after the show. There were a bunch we weren't even allowed to talk to because they were voice trained! (and I promise the one on the bottom is just sleeping!)


The girls had a great visit with their grandparents and uncle - just like they always do. Soon enough I'll be sending Kaeda over by herself she loves visiting so much! Some times I think it's scary how alike I am to my mother... I certainly hear her words coming out of my mouth! I'm looking forward to the trips we have planned for the girls this summer - Seattle Zoo and Kelowna!

Bowynn being all snuggled up - thanks to Kaeda!

my cutie pie! tears still fresh on her adorable face!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

My bad habit

I have this bad habit.... I judge other parents (not like super harshly or all the time). I like to lurk on "mom boards" reading parenting issues and advice often just to reassure to myself that my choices aren't that bad.

Ok, ok, it's not really that awful a thing. I mean, parenting is a very opinionated so really what mom doesn't occasionally think "wow, those kids are out of control" or "that child is too old for a bottle/pacifier" or something else like that? It's pretty much unavoidable, the key is not to be one of those moms who acts like they think all those things (I've met a few). In my defense I also recognize my bad habit and keep my mouth shut most of time (unless it's a safety issue) and remind myself that they're not my kids, it's not my life and it's none of my business.

This isn't that big of an issue where I live because where I am people are educated and open-minded, we have free medical and there are lots of programs and information for families to help with parenting. But reading mom forums that are global can be a real eye opener. There are places where certain things or facts that I take for granted aren't common place.

But the thing that really gets me about it is that these people have the internet - they're on the forum after all! perhaps it's just me or my generation but - Google it! There are always lots of opinions, reviews, professional answers out there to compare and think about. Ok, I'll admit I'm a little bit of an information whore, I get on a subject and I can spend hours digging through Google reading pros and cons and different suggestions, statistics and opinions. I know some people aren't as into that as I am - in fact some of the moms on the forum don't even read the posts above theirs let alone check online.

Anyway, this habit might be "bad" but the forums really are a good thing - there is lots of support out there if there isn't in your community and there are stories and advice that I've found very useful.

On a totally unrelated note: Bowynn had bananas for the first time last night! She ate an entire half a mashed banana. She loved it so much she cried when I took the spoon away to refill it! On a not so positive note: She had banana poo this morning, lol!

Kaeda has a new found fascination with gardening. I am trying to encourage her to weed our garden (as I absolutely HATE weeding and kinda suck at gardening in general). She is doing ok, but likes to pick more than just weeds... (naturally).

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Book Reviews

Ok, I'm actually going to do a quick book review in here as I don't want to forget anything. I'm still reading the last in Libba Bray's series but in between (or instead of ) I've read these two:

Ivy by Julie Hearn
This book was surprisingly interesting. Her use of accent was very interesting in the time period. The characters weren't so much lovable as they were curious. The plot wasn't totally engrossing but enough to make you want to know more. What I really loved was the creative tie to history with actual reference to known painters. Other than that, the book was good but I wouldn't recommend it really.

Dragon Actually by G. A. Aiken
This one was recommended to me by a friend. I've spent so much time reading young adult novels it was definitely a change to read this. The guys called it my "dragon porn" book. No, there was no actual bestiality or anything but it was kinda an adventure/romance... with a dragon that could turn human who falls in love with a human. And yes, there was a lot of sex.
Still, it was very entertaining and I found myself laughing a lot. I will definitely be getting the rest in this series.

Top 10 Quiz

I had a couple ideas about what to write today... I'd love to do a review of my strollers (cause I'm a bit of a stroller whore) and I have some interesting thoughts on parenting the second time around... buuuut I'm just not up to it today.

Instead I'm going to take a page from the blog Controlled Chaos and do a little quiz!

1. What topics do you most like to read about on blogs?
I'm all about the parenting blogs right now. I love reading reviews, recipes, birth experiences and opinions on different parenting styles. Plus, it's always nice to know there are moms out there who's lives are just like mine and full of the same struggles and humor.

2. What are your favorite blogs?
Well that's easy, they're all right there on my blog list. I will add that I LOVE the recipes from Kevin & Amanda's blog (which isn't a parenting blog at all). Also, Peaceful Parenting has a lot of interesting articles related to attachment parenting.

3. How did you decide your family size?
I was always kind of a tomboy. I never dreamed of the perfect wedding or the picket fence. However, I always felt I knew I would one day have two kids (although I imagined a girl and boy). When we became unexpectedly pregnant with Kaeda we talked about it again. Both B and I didn't feel right about having an only child, and as I grew up with just one sibling I felt two was perfect. We decided that three years was as big a gap as we wanted and so as that time drew near we started trying for a second.
I feel that I have been waiting to meet Bowynn for so much longer because we planned a second baby long before she was conceived.

4. How did you grow up?
When I think of my childhood I feel lucky. My parents were older but stable, loving and respectful. They took us on trips, were very involved in our day-to-day and schools. We lived in the same house the whole time and had a wide range of pets. My younger brother and I always got along and are still good friends. We have a colourful and loving extended family and are all very close.
Of course there are things I want to do differently with my kids and perhaps things I might have changed - but overall when I think of my childhood I picture sunny days, the smell of fresh cut grass and the whole family outside together.
A very different upbringing from B's.

5. How did you meet your spouse?
It was my 19th birthday and my friends and I all went out to celebrate. My boyfriend at the time had gone to school with B. When we showed up at the bar it was closed. B and his friends happened to be outside contemplating what to do about this when I invited them to join us at a different bar. B and I became friends quickly. He was different from anyone I'd ever met and we just got each other in a way I'd never known before.
Because we don't recall when we actually started dating we celebrate my birthday as our anniversary.

6. How were you proposed to?
After Kaeda I told him I didn't want to get married just because we were having a baby - I had seen too many marriages not work on those grounds. The summer of 2009 saw our family (and extended) in some really rough places. It made us both realize how short life can be and how happy we were with each other. I was planning on proposing to him when apparently he had the same idea!
I thought we were going for a late birthday celebration (he had been out of town). We went to a fancy restaurant in Victoria and then B took me up to the top of Mt. Doug. He was worried that the fog would ruin the view but as it turned out we were looking down at a misty city of shimmering lights and the sky was clear and full of stars - he couldn't have planned it better. He pointed out different places and told me stories about his youth and then he gave me my birthday present. I opened it to find an iPhone box, inside the box was another box - and the ring!

7. What do you believe?
Well that's not a loaded question, but I'll give you an idea:
I believe in family. That believing in yourself can make anything possible. I believe in adopting pets from shelters. I believe balance - of food, tv, computers, activity, etc. I believe that people change, and in seeing both sides of an argument. I believe in 'intact' baby boys and breastfeeding. I believe that a baby's cry should always be answered. I believe that marijuana should be legalized. I believe that engaging children is the key to education. That empathy should be taught to discourage bullying. I believe in pro-choice and that child-abusers should be shot. I believe in the saying "it takes a village to raise a child".

8. What are your favorite things?
Drink: Coffee!
Band: The Beatles
Show: True Blood
Chore: re-organizing/de-cluttering
Season: Summer
Book: That's too hard! Let's just say anything Tamora Pierce.

9. What do you normally wear?
Lately... yoga pants. Yoga pants and a light top of some kind - I get warm too easily.

10. How did pregnancy affect you?
Well I suppose! I worked right until 9 months with Kaeda. I felt pretty good, a few aches and pains near the end - about 10 minutes of morning sickness all together. Bowynn I felt a little worse off at the start but less of the aches and pains near the end. Although I'm sure I whined plenty I really had nothing to complain about when you hear some of the stories of bed rest and puking every morning.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Today was one awful day.

Kaeda pushed every boundary. She wouldn't come, didn't listen, poked her sister, threw her toys, made a mess, wouldn't stay in time out, wouldn't stay in her room, didn't want to go potty, demanded sugar, wanted to watch tv all day and alternatively wanted to be held by me or pinch me.

Now this isn't totally unheard of or anything. However, today I felt like dying. My head has been killing me all day. My wrist is twisted or sprained or something... and I am just full of aches and pains and general unhealthiness.

Now these two things are bad, but put them together and I felt like every second thing I did or said I instantly regretted. My patience was next to nil. I really hate it when I feel this awful and Kaeda gets it worse because of that. Perhaps she was feeling bad too and so we were both irritable.

On the plus side Bowynn's evening fussiness was curbed by a wet cloth thrown into the freezer until it was solid. A momentary break from the craziness that allowed enough time to whip up a turkey casserole - which I have to admit, I'm pretty proud of myself for doing in my state. Once B got home things mellowed a little. I am so thankful I have such a caring, loving and considerate partner!

In fact - he's made me a hot bath with candles, bath salts and tea! So this momma is logging off!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Green Line Diaper Review

I've been wanting to do a review on my Green Line cloth diapers for some time now. I love sharing a product that I've been really happy with - especially one that comes from a small, local, mom-made business! So, since my latest order arrived today, I took some pictures and set myself up to do a review! 

Some Background:
Let's start off by saying I only really started cloth diapering when Kaeda was about two and a half because pull-ups and diapers were frustratingly expensive and wasteful! I found some gDiapers and tried them out and loved how cloth looked on my girl! I went on to try Kushies Ultra AIO diapers... which... I hated. They were bulky, smelly, and didn't dry well. So, I went back to gDiapers and made my own cloth inserts. They were okay - but the velcro was weak, the pads still took ages to dry and they just started to look worn and grubby. 

Before Bowynn was born I started looking into more diapering options. I'm not even sure how I stumbled across Green Line, but at the time they only had a couple hundred fans on Facebook. I was immediately drawn in by the fabric choices! I bought two covers and five bamboo/microfiber liners to try. It was a couple weeks wait (sewing time mostly) and they showed up in the mail. They fit wonderfully on both my girls. Kaeda was even able to use the pads I'd sewed for her gDiapers with the GLD covers.

Kaeda, just 3, and Bowynn 2 months. 
Kaeda potty trained shortly after this photo and Bo didn't use hers for another couple months until we had gone through our disposables.

I'm still working on my diaper stash but this is what I have so far: 
- Costco bought microfiber cloths (I haven't found any as big or as trim folding as the GLD soakers)
- undyed bamboo/microfiber GLD soakers (they are now using a bamboo/cotton mix)
- fleece liners for the stay-dry feeling 
- GLD small wet bag with pocket for extra soakers 
- solid and patterned print covers 

A bit about the diapers:
The covers have a breathable, waterproof, ultrex interior and a cotton exterior. The velcro is good, heavy duty stuff that holds up amazingly to daily use and the washing machine/dryer and allows for the best fit. The cord-locking legs are one of the initial things I liked about the diapers - they don't stretch out like elastic and allow a better fit for more different sized babies. the Covers have high backs that can stay up for extra coverage or fold down. One of the best (and more addictive) things about the covers is the wide variety of ever changing prints they come in! 

A bit about the soakers:
GLD soakers are now made of 70% bamboo and 30% cotton. They are a single piece of fabric that folds into 3 and then in half making six layers of absorbent, soft cloth for your baby's bum! The great thing about GLD covers is that they work with many different soakers/liners. However, I like their system (folded inserts) best because it washes and dries way faster than a pad type soaker. 

Getting the fit right:
Getting the perfect fit takes practice. As your baby grows and changes so too does the fit. The easiest way to get a nice fit is to adjust the cord-lock legs every time. Personally, I don't do this unless the fit is just not working for me. Until I got the hang of it I had a few leaks and left a couple red marks on Bowynn. It didn't take me long to figure it out but it is something to be aware of before you buy. Also, it's important to note, there are videos to help with this and I've experienced that GLD is always glad to tackle these problems with you.

I love that during a diaper change all I have to do is throw the soaker in our dry-pail and put a new one in the diaper! If it's been a couple changes or there was a poo I switch covers. I rinse out the messy diapers and throw them in the pail too. I primarily hand wash my covers and hang them in the bathroom to dry (they're always dry by the next morning). However, the covers machine wash and dry wonderfully! 

Bowynn, now 5 months, uses these diapers all day and for outings. We still use disposables at night but plan 
to phase those out (plus I hear talk of a night time diaper by GLD!). She has never messed through her GLD like she has her disposables. Bowynn also has sensitive skin and has been doing much better now that we are using these. She is a chubby, active baby and these diapers work for her.

One more thing I would like to add - one of my diapers had a sewing error, the stitching was coming undone - I emailed GLD and the were amazing! They were friendly, helpful and prompt in their response. They replaced my cover with no fuss or hassle.  

A diaper change in pictures:

This diaper held a messy surprise for mommy.

The new cover, GLD soaker and a fleece liner ready to go.
note: the back of the cover is already folded down.

Soaker adjusted and against the skin. 

The cover pulled up snug and tabs closed, cord-lock not in place yet.

The finished product!

Kaeda wondering why I'm taking so many pictures of Bowynn's "stinky" bum!

All done up again! I would say these diapers fit like a slightly wet disposable diaper (in terms of trimness in clothing)

She looks like such a chunky monkey here!

I have been very happy with these diapers (obviously!) and so I'm happy to share them with anyone interested (and some who aren't) in cloth diapering. I really admire Natasha, the young mom who created GLD, for her dedication, creativity and involvement with her customers and fans. GLD has come a long way in the short time I've been following them. I look forward to adding to my stash and seeing what other things they come up with!

You can find Green Line Diaper at these places:

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My Two Darlings

In Kaeda's words: 
"Can you take a picture of your two darlings?" 
 Kaeda at her friend's house dressed up to party!
My wild girl enjoying the sunshine! Summer is going to be so fun!
Out on our "Rain Walk" in which is poured...
Kaeda wore her fancy boots because I couldn't find her rubber ones!
She also LOVED the umbrella - and it was just about her size too!
The girls having a party.
Kaeda taking care of her sister - see how frightened Bo looks?
"I love you!" *squish*

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Tummy Time

So Bowynn is now 5 months old. And for the last couple nights she's been sleeping on her tummy. 

Now I know that once they are able to roll themselves over it shouldn't be a problem.... however... it's still driving me crazy! Now I wake up more just to go and check on her! I feel so paranoid about SIDS - which is ridiculous because of so many factors  - she's healthy, breastfed, put to sleep on her back, not exposed to smoke, no objects or bumper pads in her crib, passed the peak age for it - the list goes on. On top of that B and I are really healthy people (with the exception of his diabetes which is not conclusively genetic) and so our kids seem to be too. If I try to encourage her to sleep on her back she wakes up way more than usual. Every 2 hours actually. 

I never went through this with Kaeda because of two things: she co-slept in our bed and she hated being on her tummy at any time. It makes me feel like a first time parent because in a way I am - a first time parent doing it the "normal" way with my little one in her own room.

Not to go off on a tangent (but I totally am) I stumbled upon this blog (Peaceful Parenting) that has a lot of really interesting articles. It's a little strongly opinionated at points but the overall is pretty much in line with my parenting beliefs. It's actually making me feel a little guilty about not co-sleeping much with Bowynn. I have to remind myself that she sleeps better when we're not in the same room.

But back to the problem at hand, I guess one good thing about it is that sleeping on her tummy makes it hard for her to use her soother - so maybe she'll self ween?

I suppose the better she gets at sleeping like that the more comfortable I'll be. 

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter!

Today was our Easter. Well, the important part anyway - the egg hunt. It was all over too fast for me. I love the egg hunt. I didn't have enough time to hide the eggs very well, just enough to make sure she went on the right path through the yard. She was, of course, thrilled with the whole thing. It surprised me that she remembered last years egg hunt and the fact that she got a giant lollipop (because this year she didn't). 

It was the perfect day for it :) I love how her shadow falls in this picture.

Enjoying the spoils of  Easter (I had to buy a bigger basket to fit all her eggs, but don't worry they were filled with fruit snacks and yogurt raisins as well as chocolate!).

It was such a beautiful day today that after dropping B off at work I couldn't just go home. So instead the girls and I checked out the trails and park behind Tillicum Center. We had a great time walking and throwing sticks in the river and playing at the playground. I wish I had thought to buy/bring a picnic as the park was so lovely I could have stayed there all afternoon. 

As it was, it was a wonderful was to pass the time and I will have to return there better prepared next time.

Kaeda realizing she is covered in sap. (me unfortunately realizing this way too late). 

More of Bowynn's adorableness. Seriously. Babies are so cute. The happier she gets the more she opens her mouth. What a goober. An adorable, squishable, kissable goober. 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

a break from the craziness (well most of it)

The last two nights have been a great break from the regular. Friday night Marly and I went to the pre-sale for a kids consignment sale. We both showed up sans kids, bought some delicious Starbucks coffee and perused the the tables and racks of meticulously organized, priced and presented stuff. I love going to these sort of places even though I find once I get there I don't buy a lot. I did find a couple cute outfits for Bo to grow into, some books, a puzzle and a toy impact drill for Kaeda for Easter.

While I was going through all the toys there I noticed I buy Kaeda lot of boy's stuff. She loves dinosaurs, dragons, trains and tools. She also loves my little pony, horses, all animals and the occasional princess. Still I was pretty happy to find the drill because she always likes to go "work" with daddy and now she has her own version of what he has.

Last night Kaeda stayed over at Grandmere's house. It's amazing how much quieter it gets without the monster. B and I even went out for dinner. It was a quick one though because Bowynn really didn't like the noise level and it was getting close to her bedtime. 

I was reminded yesterday too the problems that can come of assumption. See I assumed that because we were down the rowdy child it would automatically be a date night.... unfortunately, B did not come to this conclusion and was surprised when I got mad that he had invited Karl over. The long and short of it was that I said, yes, fine, have Karl over for a early night then we'll have a hottub and movie  - early ended up being pretty much bed time so it was hard to enjoy what was left of the evening when I was so preoccupied being irritated. 

What I learned: Yes, I should have been more clear that it was a date night, and Yes, I should have insisted that he call off his plans (he had offered to and we do see Karl pretty much every night). I should have known that it wouldn't work out any other way. 

Ending on a happy note! Bowynn with her new dragon toy from Australia. She is constantly trying to munch on his ears!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ah, to be back home...

Well, I obviously didn't get to post while I was visiting my folks. Way too much effort to use their old machine and get my photos onto it.... (which really translates to: I'm lazy). But really now, Kaeda can be so exhausting! Don't get me wrong, I love how clever and chatty she is. I'm totally enjoying being able to have conversations with her and hearing the world from a 3 year old's POV (it's pretty hilarious!). BUT OMG THE MIND BATTLES! I feel like I have the verbal runs. "Kaeda gentle. That's nice, what a good big sister. Gentle. Do you like to be pinched? Then don't pinch her. Kaeda, are you listening? What did I just say. No, you can't watch tv, you just finished your show. No. No. No. I said No. I don't care what you said, I said No and I make the rules. Why don't you play with your toys? Or draw? Do you have to go pee? Kaeda what's wrong? Are you sure you don't have to go pee? Maybe we should go try. Do you want to go try?" And of course it's so much worse when we go out. Worse as in even more exhausting. 

Today she also had an accident when we were out. Which is... so weird. I mean she's been great, I don't even really have to ask her if she needs to go - she tells me. Then today on the ferry, I was nursing Bowynn and suddenly she pees. *BIG SIGH* thankfully we were some where private where I could clean it up and she had a change of clothes... not so thankfully I did not have a change of clothes. 

Kaeda loves her music. Is it possible to have a musical child with two parents who are completely tone deaf or musically challenged (as I like to call it when you can't sing, play or 'get' music)?

While Auntie Cait was visiting we discovered that Bowynn is a total ham. She would start to fuss and cry and if you pointed a camera at her she shut up and tracked it. She flails her arms adorably at you and makes all kinds of silly faces.

I attempted to go out and party on Saturday. I feel so old. Clubbing is just not my thing anymore and I guess it kinda surprised me. Anyway, the point I'm getting at is that I gave Bowynn formula for part of the night cause I'd had a few drinks (she took to the bottle no problem!). So the next morning Kaeda really wanted to give Bowynn a bottle and we thought, why not? Photo op!!! Mom and I went crazy with the cameras.

Bo really loved watching the grass fly by as she sat in the swing. I'm going to have to get B to put one up in our yard.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bed-wetting free future?

Well so much for my post-every-day attitude. Although I admit that gets pretty boring when you're a stay-at-home-mom and the days start to blend together. There's only so much poo and pee and drooly baby stories to talk about. 

Speaking of poo and pee - I took Kaeda out of her "night time panties" which are Kushies Training Pants. I didn't really mean to but she made a mess in her last pair right before bed. Anyway, I made a sticker chart and told her that she was wearing her big girl panties but that her whole bed would be wet if she peed at night now - just call mommy or daddy if she needed to go pee. Well it's only been two nights but both have been dry after a week of wet panties. Last night she got me up and actually went poo without all the bribing and begging... I was half-asleep and only noticed when I looked this morning. *crosses fingers* Please let this be a sign she's done fighting potty time and wetting the bed!

Yesterday, after preschool and the library, my little miss fell asleep at the table playing on Karl's iPhone.

Bowynn handled her shots well. She screamed bloody murder (the baby clinic was like a baby torture place with all the infant cries) but had no ill effects. She wouldn't nurse there though, that's what Kaeda always did after her shots to feel better. Bowynn has definitely decided that unless I'm going to lay down with her she's going to complain through the whole feed. 

I looked up Kaeda's old 'baby passport' and found that at 6 months she was 15.10 lbs. Bowynn at 4.5 months is 16 lbs. My little chubby monster!! :)

Here she is beating up on dad (and drooling on his face).

We have been using Green Line Diapers on Bowynn during the day for the past little while. They're awesome cloth diapers that are soooo cute. I really want to do a post that is all a review of them, I'm just waiting for the newest ones I ordered to arrive in the mail so I can do another little photo shoot of Bowynn in them. I'm so much happier not having to buy disposables anymore - such a waste of money, space and the environment. 

I keep trying to capture Bowynn's chatting on camera but every time I whip out my iPhone or camera she stops. I just made an attempt and she just smiled at me until I put down the iPhone then she started up again!  .... She's so cute. 

I'm going to visit my parents on the mainland tomorrow so we'll see how often I can manage to post!